Do you consider of hiring me for a film or photo project?

Please give me a call or send me an email and tell me all about it.

Film camera: Canon C70
Photo/film camera: Canon R5
DJI Mavic PRO 2
Gopro 10
Gopro 11


Peter Muld

Phone: +46 (0)70 60 298 49
Email: petermuldproductions@gmail.com

Member of the Swedish film association, Naturfilmarna.
Visit my page at Naturfilmarna

Please visit me on Pond5. Pond5 is the only place where I sell my some of my videos.


Press photos

Pressbild Peter Muld

Peter Muld
Photo: Lisa Sihlberg

Pressbild Peter Muld

Peter Muld
Photo: Lisa Sihlberg

Pressbild Peter Muld

Peter Muld
Photo: Madelene Åberg

Pressbild Peter Muld

Peter Muld
Photo: Madelene Åberg

Pressbild Peter Muld

Peter Muld
Photo: Madelene Åberg

Pressbild Peter Muld

Peter Muld
Photo: Madelene Åberg


Peter Muld
Email: petermuldproductions@gmail.com
Phone: +46 (0)70 6029849

Social media

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